Tag Archives: Porträts

Porträtfotograf NRW, Niedersachsen

Portrait-Fotografie Rheine // René

I’ve met René in Rheine. I was a bit worried about the location as I don’t know too many places there whatView full post »

Portrait-Fotografie Münster // 3 Girls – Reki

Reki is the last one in the 3 Girls series. She is red, she lives in Münster and she plays in a band called The CupcakeView full post »

Portrait-Fotografie Münster // 3 Girls – Jenna

Jenna is the second girl in my late summer mini-project. She lives close to Münster, she has blond hair and she likesView full post »

Portrait-Fotografie Ibbenbüren // 3 Girls – Franziska

3 Girls is a new project of mine. It features three different girls, at different locations with different lights. TheView full post »

Portrait-Fotografie Münster // Boudoir Session in the Factory Hotel

Micha is a good friend of mine, we already took some photos last year in Münster. This time he asked me to take someView full post »

Portrait-Fotografie Münster // Imad

An einem sonnigen Morgen war ich mit Imad in Münster um einige Portraitaufnahmen zu machen. Imad ist ein sehrView full post »